About Wellspring

Wellspring Community is a fraternity of the Order of Secular Franciscans. We are a small yet active group of Franciscans since 1981. As a fraternity, we have been involved with the Franciscan Resource Center, and the formation of Living Water, a now thriving Korean Fraternity. Thirty-two years have passed since our founding, and we continue to be a very intimate group of like-minded individuals. Many have come and gone: death, illness, moves to other states, transfers, or simply the realization of not being called to the Franciscan life. We have changed and adapted but we have never lost sight of our strong witness to the Gospel. We do continue to attract others who want to share in the fraternal life in a small setting. We care for one another and strive to foster a spirit of fraternitas. We are a spiritual family and we can rely on one another in times of need.

Because of our size, our decisions are reached by consensus. We are represented at the regional level and recently participated in the Quinquennial conference. Our fraternity is characterized for our depth of commitment to one another, fidelity to our Franciscan vocation, and love and respect for and involvement with one another. This is a place where a person searching for an intimate connection and a safe place to trust his or hers innermost striving can be.

We are located in Chicago, IL and meet monthly in the North and West side of the Chi-ty.  We welcome all inquirers or those seeking to check us out first via Spiritual Journeys. Please send us a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.



5 replies on “About Wellspring”

Good evening,
I live in Chicago and am interested in learning about the (secular) Franciscan way of life. I found your website through Mother Cabrini website regional links.

Hello!! I live in Chicago, on the south side. I have been draw to Saint Francis for some time now. I love the way he lived simply and taking care of the poor, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The Franciscans at St. Peter’s in the loop has helped me through out the years to become a better Catholic.
I am a lay minister since 2002. I did some of my training and formation at Mundelein and DeLasalle institute.

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