
A much needed update and Lent plans

GAH! I have been bad and not updated our site in months. For that, I apologize to you all. We have been very busy, and traveling a lot!

But, yes, we are still here and working on our lenten plans.

Retiree is doing penance in Phoenix, because you know, the cold is not conducive to prayer. hahaha. Anyway, we will see her in a month when she returns from her Chicagoless vacation. Zookeeper is still bussing kids around and taking care of the zillion dogs and cats she owns. I am not sure how How is keeping her lent, but perhaps reading something on Ignatius. Dr. B is busy working, no rest for the weary. Dorothy is somewhere in the country, but we hope to see her back with us at our next fraternity meeting.

Ya’ll, we have a new candidate and she is awesome.

So, if you are interested in checking us out, please email us at  You can dip your toe in by coming to our Interfaith dialogue on the second Saturday of each month, Spiritual Journeys. You do not have to be a member of the fraternity or of anything, for that matter. I will be sharing on my experience with the Three Kings. It was amazing!

By the way, what are you doing for Lent?